19 أكتوبر 2022 16:44
It deserves every single second spent, and every single star. It was an experience of a kind. I had a birthday dinner and it didn't disappoint. I was amazed.
I would never forget every single detail.
Later on, and because of my photos and experience, my friends were super excited, two weeks after they tried it too!
The service, the place, the thoughts, how the dishes were served, the experience, and the story of each dish was awesome and funny, which made our day. Everything was presentable and pleasing. Even the waiters were super thoughtful and considerate. Bravo and well done!
Just be extra detailed in your order when you book through the website and mention every single detail and how you want the cake (regardless of the occasion or celebration) to be and the chef will contact you later on for more details if needed. Small details like be on time or earlier, which is better and make sure your phones are charged because maybe you want to capture some moments. Be presentable, because the place is very fancy.
Ladies, you might want to wear heels. Men preferably no shorts or a tank top.
I hope my comment was helpful enough.
19 أغسطس 2022 16:03
The first time I came here about 12 months ago, the food was amazing, the show was brilliant, everything was perfect.
Second time was today, the show was terrible, it wasn’t as smooth or interesting as the first time, non of the food was “cooked” on the table all of it was just the chef traveling to a country and then the food was related to that country, with the exception of the dessert which was “cooked” on the table, but the chef cooked a different dessert and was not the one that was presented afterwards, the food wasn’t any where near the quality of the first time no or was it as tasty, and the drink was not included in the menu unlike the first time.
And 240 SR tip for only 2 people? That’s just insane
The service was good, but no service is good enough for 240 SR which i had no option of not paying, it was already included in the bill and the total.
16 يناير 2022 9:53

الأكل كان عبارة عن قائمة طعام محددة مسبقاً للشخص الواحد بمعنى ما تقدر تطلب اكل معين و تترك الباقي و الأكل اللي ما ترغب فيه تقدر تطلبه to go، قائمة الأكل (سلطة، شوربة ثمار البحر، استاكوزا تقدم مع ريزوتو بالزعفران، ستيك بلاك انجوس و اخيراً حلى كريم بروليه الفرنسي مع الزعفران و الهيل) الأكل جداً جداً لذيذ و فاق التوقعات و كمية الأكل كبيره ما شاء الله.

الخدمة المقدمة

الويتر شاب سعودي جداً خلوق و محترم الله يسعده ما قصر و حببنا في المكان زيادة.


جداً مرتفع و مناسب لطبقة معينه فقط.

رأي شخصي
فكرة تقديم الأكل و العرض اللي يسبق كل طبق جداً رايقة و تستحق التجربة اكيد.
13 نوفمبر 2021 17:03
Nice experience, set menu, food taste and cook is average, expensive and need reservation.
Show starts 9: 30 PM
24 أكتوبر 2021 8:53
We loved it
The team was professional; unfortunately I brought it down to 4 stars for the following reasons (the team was extremely professional and we enjoyed the experience which stoped me from dropping it more) :
1- The projected video was slightly out of focus, even though I commented about it it was or could not be fixed at the time.
2- The chef’s recommended steak was over cooked (bad), it was replaced as soon as I commented about it.

We were 13 persons with 2 birthday packages so the bill was quite hefty as expected.

Great experience and everyone loved it.

أكتب مراجعة

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