20 سبتمبر 2022 1:52
Its very huge and devided into two areas.one area is for kids with grass slides and swings with seating area while the other side is for mainly grown ups with two soccer goals and a big stone ground surrounded with net and a walk area outside it.you could come here with ur family but honestly with the weather rn just stay at home
29 يونيو 2022 17:02
A really really bad and uncomfortable place. People here were not families there were girls and boys in haram relationships I WILL NOT RECOMMEND ANY OF MY MUSLIM SISTER AND BROTHER TO VISIT THIS PLACE
17 مارس 2022 21:13
Only swings for kids, no other equipment.
Not well maintained. No lights after magrib.
Lots of mosquitoes at night
15 يوليو 2021 3:03
The atmosphere is nice. Grass is also planted recently. There is need of children slides which was removed few times ago.
29 يناير 2021 9:34
Simple park. Well illuminated. With a football ground and a walkin track next to it. Two swings. Slides have altely been removed.also has seperate parking area!
13 نوفمبر 2019 20:17
معلومات حديقة الأدباء

مساحة الحديقة 6750 متر مربع
المسطحات الخضراء 1020 متر مربع
الجلسات متوفرة
الألعاب متوفرة
الملاعب متوفرة
المظلات متوفرة
02 يونيو 2019 9:36
Once it was developed 4years ago, it was one of the great parks in Azizia but due to ignorance and ill-maintenance its badly impacted. I used to go there daily in the evening for a walk, but now people started dumping garbage there and now its in a very bad condition even most of street lights are broken there
28 مايو 2019 1:33
Very dirty now adays. A bench broke and needs repairing. The swings have broken chains, the slide is broken towards the end, however,
The football ground is good.

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