26 أغسطس 2023 0:31
اخذت من عندهم ٢ ساندويش كباب بخبز اسمر لذيذ جدا وحاسبت ب ٢٢ ريال مع مشروبات اسعارهم جدا معقوله
والطعم ممتاز
26 أكتوبر 2022 17:44
التقيم راي شخصي

التقيم عن آخر زيارة
الموقع جدة حي الزهراء
الموقع 5/5
السرعة 5/5
جودة الاكل 5/5
تنوع يوجد الكثير من الاصناف 5/5
التخصص مشاوي و كباب
النظافة 5/4
الاسعار 5/3
09 يونيو 2022 13:28
طلبنا توصيل
كباب ومبشور لحم ودجاج
كان الاكل ريحته خفيفة طعمه خفيف قليل الدسم سواء متوسط
الطحينة نفس الشي
اكلنا وشبعنا الحمدلله انا افضل اكثر دسم واكثر استواء
Good food less fat, I prefer well done cooked
06 يونيو 2022 16:55
اتكلم عن تجربة حوالي خامس مره اطلب منه وامكن اكثر. الأكل لذيذ سواء الكباب الي افضله حتى عن كباب ناجي الحربي لأنه طري و الدجاج المشوي خصوصاً وجود توصيل مجاني للمنازل القريبة من المطعم. يفك اززززمة لكن سعر البطاطس شوي مبالغ والباقي10/10
01 مارس 2022 19:24
I'd rate 3.5 stars. I thought it's good, and the price is decent for the amount of kabob. For example I can buy 2 sketch burgers (60 riyal + fries + drink) or like one giant plate of mixed kebab and rice or fries. I also tried the location near the daar ad thikr schools off of prince saultan in the north and liked it. I think I spent around 120 riyals and fed 5 big guys, was really great.

My wife though didn't like it She told me later and said the pieces were small and spread around instead of being in large skewer like. (I mean it didn't look really pretty the way women like). She ordered from a different place and was so expensive with less food. Man. For like 3 kabob, tabouli salad, humus, stuffed spinach was over 140 with delivery.
05 سبتمبر 2021 18:42
طلبت من عندهم بس باقي ما طعمت اكلهم
ديكور المكان جميل وتعاملهم ممااز طلبت طحينه زيادهما قصرو واعطاني
01 أغسطس 2021 15:23
The sandwich was extremely small for 8 sr, no special thing about it actually it was below average
29 يونيو 2019 7:22
الاوصال عندة ممتازة لكن الكباب والريش ليست بذات المستوي اسعارة معقولة وارخص من مطاعم كثير جدا الخدمة سريعة
18 مارس 2019 22:14
I'd rate 3.5 stars. I thought it's good, and the price is decent for the amount of kabob. For example I can buy 2 sketch burgers (60 riyal + fries + drink) or like one giant plate of mixed kebab and rice or fries. I also tried the location near the daar ad thikr schools off of prince saultan in the north and liked it. I think I spent around 120 riyals and fed 5 big guys, was really great.

My wife though didn't like it She told me later and said the pieces were small and spread around instead of being in large skewer like. (I mean it didn't look really pretty the way women like). She ordered from kermalik app from some expensive place. Man. For like 3 kabob, tabouli salad, humus, stuffed spinach was over 140 with delivery.

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