28 يوليو 2022 4:15
Good Pharmacy with good people
Working on it
The new name is United pharmacy 167
There's assortment of product and All The brands of dermacare are available
There is a separated derma unit
The people working at the pharmacy are fantastic and good in their scientific information
They ask everything about drug & disease history of the patient before dispense The drugs
There's a lot of cosmetics products And promotion and discounts
Last but not least
01 مارس 2022 1:38
I hv placed order on 28/12/21 # 000000202. Till now i hv not recd the item. I hv called many times to their office. I hv bn informed SOME ONE WILL CALL BACK and NEVER CALLED. I fl guy who is handling online order INCAPABLE With this order i have invited tension, loss of time waste of money.
05 أغسطس 2019 13:34
بصراحة هي تمام بس مذكور في قوقل أنها مفتوحة ولمن وصلت لموقعها لقيتها مغلقة يمكن السبب انه شهر رمضان بس المفروض ان قوقل يكون اوضح من كذا
16 أبريل 2019 8:49
This pharmacy has any medication you want. Always happy to Purchase and support them.

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