24 ديسمبر 2022 20:02
If you see that someone is talking with the owner who normally sits in the cashier place, it will be better if you go to some other hotel to get the food because till he finish his talking he won't mind the customer who has come and won't take orders from us.

I went two times and got this experience and had to stand idle for so much minutes and last had to say the waiters my orders
31 أغسطس 2022 17:36
A decent Indian restaurant in Dammam. Recently updated their menu by adding more dishes. Worth trying for an economical food option.
01 أغسطس 2022 2:26
Not that good enough. Had dosa for breakfast. It was not good. Fresh milk tea were not available here.
15 يوليو 2022 22:17
Worst ever dosa. Never think of eating dosa here. They don’t know what dosa is. Worst behaviour of the cashier.
09 أغسطس 2020 19:29
Masala Dosa, Ghee Roast, Upma and some idli.

SOCIAL distancing is maintained in the takeaways.

The only place with South Indian open in Adamah.
20 ديسمبر 2019 13:28
Awesome restaurant. Guys like saadiq and gafoor are very competitive and energetic guys. You can tell any criticism about food to them and if it's genuine, they will take it in a positive way and will take the corrective. Mr. Gafoor is very strict in providing quality foods to customers and it's very clean too.
19 مايو 2019 4:07
Hate dis place.very bad food and attitude of owners.uneducated and cultureless fellow.guy in beard is a ver cheap guy.he takes money for no service.we changed the contract of our staff meal from der.he think he is emir.big idiot I hav ever seen in my life.
22 أبريل 2019 7:46
Both families and single sections are available. Indian, Chinese foods are available.parking areas are available in front of the restaurant.very neat and tidy restaurant. Rest rooms are available. Although it's near main road, it seems to be a calm and quite place. Will open up to 11.30 pm definitely.very smart and enthusiastic suppliers.customer complaints are taking very seriously.

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