20 ديسمبر 2023 13:25
This place is really wonderful! The wonder of this place is, car is automatically running in neutral gear upto 120km/h. If you drive there, be careful of your driving in the particular area.
26 أكتوبر 2023 4:18
هذا وادي الجن بالمدينة المنورة تمت زيارته نهارا في الصباح ولكن لم نشاهد اي اثر للجن والطريق المجنونة لم نعثر عليها
05 سبتمبر 2023 18:59
I personally experience that something went wrong at this place. I neutralise my car and walk away but my vehicle move forcefully.
03 سبتمبر 2023 3:03
Basically this is historical place but also you can have fun lile camel riding, Horse riding and you will have some food stall.
26 يوليو 2023 0:25
Been there to witness the movement of vehicles without the need for acceleration, works perfectly fine.
17 يونيو 2023 0:04
It is a mountainous area about 30 kilo North to Madinah. In some places the roads have upwards and downwards slopes, in certain areas the car moved much faster comparing to the downwards slope of the road. We found 110 kilometer per hour speed in neutral mode while coming back to Madinah. The car was in its 30s, gradually increasing in speed over a minute. If the driver didn't use the brake, it could reach higher speed than 110kmph and there could've been an accident.
23 أكتوبر 2022 7:47
Honestly, all the rumours about the cars or any other vehicle escalating upto a speed of 100-120 km/hr when turned off are TRUE. I have experienced this myself.

Also the peculiar thing about this mysterious place are the shape of it's mountains. They look like they are nibbled from the peak. There are also small holes in these mountains, which i have never seen before. You can take a look in the pictures.

Definitely a must visit place in Madinah.
29 سبتمبر 2022 3:12
It was absolutely fantastic.

It's a few kms out from Medina. Trust me the journey will be worth it.

The waadi itself is several kms, i think 12 kms of a stretch where you will be able to observe the magnetic effect.

My suggestion would be to first drive till the end of the Waadi where there's a roundabout and some small huts.

At the roundabout turn of your car engine and put it to neutral and just let nature take its course.

The car will be pulled automatically at high speeds (we reached upto 100km/ hour.it can go faster if you let it, but we didn't cause the roads weren't suited for more).

You can go till the end of the waadi without actually turning your engines on. Amazing experience. You'll have more fun if there's a opening roof in your car.
26 سبتمبر 2022 8:05
Subhan Allah! A place beside madina city, where no doubt your car or any vehicle after gear free. Automatically drives upto 100 to 120 speed. Really can't know actually what is the reason behind that. Either miracle or magnetic power. God Knows Better
22 سبتمبر 2022 4:20
Amazing place. The most interesting and amazing part of this place is there is a portion of this place when vehicles keep moving on upto 120km/h even if it in neutral gear. The mountains also different than other places of Madina.
07 سبتمبر 2022 12:17
In my experience, Vehicles start to follow gravity and move in one direction only when on neutral due to higher and lower sea levels. But you can visit for yourself to judge better.
10 ديسمبر 2021 4:02
أحلى مكان للكشتات وبالذات الشتاء لكن نقاط التفتيش من فترة خلتنا نوقف طلعات.
يعني العالم رايحة تستانس تجي الدوريات تسد نفس الواحد.
لا وكمان معلقين كاميرات ساهر بالطريق
بالله مهزلة
01 سبتمبر 2021 11:19
من الاماكن الجميله التي تستحق الزيارة وتم التحسين فيها بشكل كبير الى يروح المدينه المنورة لزم يمرها خصوصا في الشتاء
03 يناير 2021 2:45
منطقة مرتفعة عن المدينة وتعتبر منزلق يظن من فيها انه في منطقة سفلى وهي منطقة مرتفعة ، اوجد سائقوا الباصات خرافات لجني اموال الجاهلين بأن هذا هو وادي الجن وهو لا وادي جن ولاهم يحزنون مجرد منتزه صحراوي لأهل المدينة
31 ديسمبر 2020 14:44
مكان عجيب وغريب قليلا يقال أنه مسكون بالجن. توقفنا عند نقطة وادي الجن المعروفة ، وقمنا بتجربة صب الماء عالأرض والمنطقة منخفضة أي المفروض ينزل الماء للأسفل ولكنه صعد لأعلى ، وأيضا جربنا وضع قارورة ماء مملوءة بالماء عالأرض فصعدت لأعلى أيضا بدل النزول لأسفل تجربة مثيرة وجميلة وفيها غموض وممتعة خاصة للأطفال. يجب الوقوف عند نقطة معينة ليصعد الماء فعلا. يوجد تأجير دبابات وخيول بالمنطقة.
10 يناير 2020 8:53
I think something is must there because when I visited there and after visiting when I sleep at night I saw something wrong in nightmare.
08 يناير 2020 9:20
Intresting and Enjoyable
(Wadi means a valley) Famous with the name of Wadi Jinn, actual name Wadi Al-Baida. Its on the outskirt of Madinah city. Its almost 35km away from Masjid-e-Nabwi. Its a nice place between the mountains and some green area. The specialty is that the flow of everything from this wadi is towards Madinah city. So once you pass the wadi gate, you can feel that car requires little more power to move towards the end of wadi. Once at the end and you turn the car around just leave it on neutral and enjoy the car ride with just steering control and brake without the need for acceleration. Car will be moving @ approx 80 to 80km/hr in neutral, without any acceleration.
19 ديسمبر 2019 0:30
Actual name of this place is Wadi Al baida (البیضا) but people used to say Wadi e Jinn.

The theory behind this is that people think that here are Jinns who push the vehicles and cars run on their own.

At a place people keep the bottles and pour water and compell others to say "YES" they are moving by their own.

Our experience was that the water or bottle were not moving on their own but Yes the car on neutral moved for about 5-6 Kms which can be due to the road.

No slope can be seen.

ALLAH knows better
15 ديسمبر 2019 19:02
هذا المكان لا فيه جن ولا يحزنون، الطريق من مسافة طويلة مائل للأسفل وأنت متجه للمدينة، في هذه النقطة يُخيّل إلى الشخص أنه متجه للأعلى وهو فعليا وحسب احداثيات كل نقطة يعتبر متجه للأيفل!
14 ديسمبر 2019 14:41
It was a wonderful experiance from this miraculous road
jinn wadi rd or gatham rd
The things or objects will move automatically
The vehicle move in 100 above speed
10 ديسمبر 2019 13:27
يقع وادي الجن في الجهة الشماليّة من المدينة المنورّة، وتحديدًا في منطقة منتزه البيضاء البري حيث إنَّ هذه التسميّة لم تثبت في المصادر التاريخيّة، ويشهد الوادي زيارة أعدداً كبيرة من الزوار، حيث يرجع سبب تسمية منتزه البيضاء بهذا الاسم إلى البياض الذي يُغطي مناطقها، وجبالها التي تُحيط بها، حيث تتصف بخشونة أراضيها، وبانتشار الصخور في كافة أرجائها، وأثبتت المعلومات الجغرافيّة أنَّ منطقة البيضاء هي منطقة متشكلة من شعيب الحنواء، وشعيب مبرك، وتحيطها الجبال من الجهة الشرقيّة، ومن الجهة الشماليّة، كما تحيطها بعض الجبال من الجهة الغربيّة، وتُعتبر جبال المنطقة بمثابة حماية وحواجز طبيعيّة، ووسيلة جذب لمتسلقي القمم إذ أصبح مُدرجاً ضمن قائمة المزارات
في المدينة ويُذكر أنَّ السبب وراء هذا الإقبال السياحيّ هو اسم الوادي ذاته؛ إذ يُشكل الاسم مُقوّماً لجذب الزوار وصرّح الخبراء أنَّ ما فيها من الجاذبية أمر طبيعيّ ولكن البعض يُبالغون في وصفها، ويُطلقون على الوادي لقب أحد عجائب العالم حقيقة وادي الجن كشف أحد باحثي الآثار السعوديين (تركي القهيدان) حقيقة وادي الجن، والمتعلقة بسر فقدان الجاذبيّة في منطقة وادي البيضاء، وصرّح أنَّ السبب في تحرر مكابح السيارات عند منحدرات الوادي، وصعودها إلى الأعلى بداً من الأسفل هو ظاهرة الخداع التضاريسيّ، وهي ظاهرة تُماثل ظاهرة السراب المشهورة في المناطق الصحراويّه
08 ديسمبر 2019 14:29
People usually think that it is a miraculous palace but there are nothing special I checked there every possible way it is false belief taxi driver take 10 riyal and 4 to 5 people shared for one taxi and taxi drives tried hard to convince you that cars are moving by itself but actually its not
04 ديسمبر 2019 7:43
Historically known as wade-e-zin. Vehicle runs up to 170klm without start because of the magnetic field.
01 ديسمبر 2019 19:29
It's a miracle, Subha Allah, Allahu Akbar, the car runs by it self. Up to 100km/h with out acceleration. The gear was in neutral, you just need to release the brake
And the will run by it self given it was a up hill. Really amazing, you all should check that out.
28 نوفمبر 2019 11:13
A calm and quiet place. It is quite miraculous location with special magnetic property. Could not be discovered easily if someone who had not visited. Nothing special will be felt while driving past
25 نوفمبر 2019 18:24
So many stories to hear about the place but one thing is sure. You sure get your car driven by some forces. Mine goes to 130/km without accelerating the paddle. Freaky. And i went to the place twice.
13 نوفمبر 2019 5:36
Bhttt hi khubsurat wadii h jesa lgo ny daraya hua h aisa kuch bi nai h bsss thori strange h, suspence full place
24 أكتوبر 2019 9:26
It's really a amazing place, we have seen our vehicle running with 115 Km/ hour speed towards height in neutral gear.
16 أكتوبر 2019 23:15
Wonderful experience which never believed one if he Don't see by oneself. Without start your car, its going upward road.
03 أكتوبر 2019 18:12
Good to see but there is no special as people are sharing the information about the jabal al jin.
26 سبتمبر 2019 17:56
هذا المكان يسمونه اهل المدينه وادي الجن لأن السيارة في النزله ترجع للوراء بدون لوجود جدب مغناطيسي
21 سبتمبر 2019 20:24
مكان عادي
نفس الطريق الاسفلتي المزدوج للطريق الى منتزه البيضاء
(في جزئية لا تزيد عن عشرين مترا او اقل ميلان بسيط ثم ارتفاع في الطريق المسفلت اذا وقفت في هذا المرتفع باتجاه البيضاء ووضعت السيارة في وضعية (فاضي اي بدون تعشيق) فان السيارة تنجذب للخلف)

نرجو من المختصين تفسير سر الجاذبية في هذا الجزء
على انني قمت في رجوعي وضعت سيارتي ع الفاضي بدون نمر (تعشيق) ووصلت السرعه الى ١١٠كم

وتدور حوله الخرافات التي لا اساس لها وخاصة من الزائرين والحجاج والاحظ انه اصبح في برنامج زياراتهم للاماكن التاريخية بالمدينة النبوية حيث تسير له الرحلات بالباصات
وجزى الله حكومتنا الرشيده خيرا
بوضع دورية امنية تمنع وقوفهم في هذه الجزئيه لوقوعها في منحنى خطر حفاظا على سلامة مرتادي المنتزه البري
14 سبتمبر 2019 14:04
I know it's really good place n also very nice natural climate. It's true that WADI E jin are such a imaginary place. This is a example of Allah's greatness.
13 سبتمبر 2019 13:02
Very scenic place and a good hangout for family. The anti gravity fame was a big disappointment though.
22 أغسطس 2019 9:26
Awsome place.this location has huge potential for tourism.it can be developed for massive influx.specially those coming for pilgrimage.
21 يوليو 2019 8:29
مكان جميل جدا من حيث الطبيعة ، ولكن لا اهتمام من قبل الدولة من ناحية الخدمات او النظافة لا توجد حاويات للقمامة
06 يوليو 2019 16:29
Wadi Jin a place where car it self drive when car is nutal because there is full science. But it is know wadi Jin
19 يونيو 2019 14:13
Amazing and wonder place, so many fairytales but my opinion is deferent, there is level and mountain effects.
01 فبراير 2019 11:46
The Arabic term 'Wadial Beda' means 'End of Valley' a place about 50 km away from the city of Madina which we visited this morning. Couple of kilometres of this road is sloped.when the cars reach this place drivers stop the engine of their cars putting the gear on nutral position, but it's wonderful that the cars start running towards upper direction against gravitation. People generally say, it's the Valley of Jeens which, in fact, has no base. There must be a scientific cause there.
When we reached at the end of the valley our driver stopped the engine of the car and wonderfully it started running from down to up against gravitation, it raised 120-130 kmph speed even.
30 يناير 2019 5:36
Good place IN MADINA for visitors to experience rocky and sandy area.
No washrooms near.
There's a mysterious road that defies gravity.
There's no downhill or uphill roads there. Just a plain road but still when you put your gear on neutral and put your feet off the accelerator and break, the car starts moving forward by itself! And it start accelerating so Fast, we have to hit the brakes and stop the car. It is unbelievable experience.
Ofcourse there's a scientific reason behind defying the law of gravity on this road but still Subhan Allah.
16 يناير 2019 5:04
Superb rigs and valley has very unique range of mountains. Amazing to experience magical twist of gravity, where car itself picks up speed up to 120 km per hour. Nature can be well explored here. A perfect family place for few hours of entertainment.
You may find ice cream and tea stalls around.
13 يناير 2019 0:34
Beautiful place to visit, I personally visited this place 3 times, first time to know the strange things heard about this place that vehicles move in ascending direction. And found to be true if you pour water it starts to move in upward direction on road but it happens in some 200-300 meters of road not all area.

And if you stop your vehicle's engine and put your gear to nutrel and let breaks go your vehicle will move in up side of road.

I went another two times with family and friends to show them this mysterious thing.

There is parking area but no restaurant or hotel nearby this place.

One should go there in daytime as it's very fun to see and experience.
06 يناير 2019 15:02
It is open area with moutains all around. As you must hv heard at a particular area the vehicles on neutral starts to run on their own. Its true but not all over the place its due to any scientific reason not bcuz there are jinns. As that whole area is popular for picnics, campings and bbq in locals at nights on weekends. There is no such miracle happening over there like the water is flowing upward. There are point from where you can hire mountain bike to ride on rent.
02 يناير 2019 11:41
Best one of the entertainment place bcoz of magnetic field the things move to back to madina face the care taken to 120 kmph without using steering and gear really it's amazing what I didn't have before. At the end of wadi E jin road there is lots of camels which provides fresh milk which is healthy and energetic, even there is motor Racer bike of four wheels which u can drive in dessert what a firing from bike that attracts others they give on rent charges for one hour is 10 riyals
Hey don't forget to bargain otherwise they will loot you. Bye have there and enjoy
20 ديسمبر 2018 16:22
المنتزه البري ، طبيعة جميلة منطقة رملية وجبلية ، هواء نظيف مساحة شاسعة ، يمكن زيارتها نهارا او ليلا ، تعتبر مزار ومتنفس لاهل المدينة من المواطنين والمقيمين خاصة في اخر الاسبوع وفترة الربيع والاجازات ، فيها جزء تكونت فيه واحة بفغل مياه الامطار والسيول ، وفيها منطقة عجيبة خارج قانون الجاذبية تجذب كثير من الزوار ،،،، لكن للاسف ينقصها الكثير من الاهتمام والخدمات لو تسلم لمستثمر يطور المنطقة باسلوب مدروس لايؤثر على خصوصية المكان. عزيزي الزائر حافظ على نظافة المكان فانت في مدينة رسول الله
20 ديسمبر 2018 7:08
Magnetic suction which drive car for 20km at speed of max 120KMh. Nice place. Must visit. Approx 75 SR UBER fair from haram
26 نوفمبر 2018 3:07
A must visit place in Madinah. Better to come with a taxi or personal car if you can afford. You will have personalised experience their and you will enjoy more of it.

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