23 ديسمبر 2023 17:27
This cave represents a symbol of the suffering of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, to deliver his message to the world and the spread we see today.
As the day of Uhud marked the transition and elimination of the ranks of Muslims from the hypocrites
May you reward us well, my lord, O Messenger of God
18 نوفمبر 2023 5:50
Many secret historical places in the Ohad Mountain. So, that's why explore the ohad mountain deeply. If you want to visit these types of place use your trusted contact in saudia arabia and ask to these secret historical places.
09 نوفمبر 2023 9:34
رووووووعه بس ما قدرت اطلع له. ويحتاج المكان كامل إلى اهتمام من وزارة السياحه والآثار. والبلدية.
01 نوفمبر 2023 5:41
Due to its importance since the beginning of Islamic history, Mount Uhud is considered one of Madinah's most important sites. The famous Battle of Uhud was held on its foothill, and many of the Prophet's (PBUH) companions are buried in its soil.
18 أكتوبر 2023 21:52
للاسف المكان مغلق
مبني عليه جدار اسمنت اذول من قامة الانسان ولا يمكن دخوله ولا النظر داخله
29 سبتمبر 2023 4:22
Uhud Mountain is a historical treasure of incredible importance. By visiting it, one is instantly immersed in the pages of Islamic history. The experience is simply extraordinary. The climb to the summit is an adventure in itself, with spectacular panoramic views of Medina rewarding the efforts.

But what makes Uhud truly special is its role in the Battle of Uhud, a pivotal event in Islamic history. Walking on these lands where the companions of the Prophet ﷺ showed extraordinary courage and devotion to their faith is deeply moving. The ruins of the martyrium of Hamza (may God have mercy on him) are a poignant reminder of this historic event.

Uhud Mountain offers a unique opportunity to connect with the history of Islam, meditate on the courage of those who defended it, and strengthen one's own faith. It is a must-see site for any Muslim, but also for anyone interested in history and culture. A truly enriching experience that I highly recommend to everyone.
25 يوليو 2023 13:28
This is the cave where Prophet Muhammad SAW took shelter after being injured in Ghazwa Uhud
27 يونيو 2023 13:49
This is The place which witnessed history during the 2nd Battle of Islam (war of Uhud)
Prophet Mohammad PBUH was there during the battle and Was ambushed by Opposite Army and he was saved by this Cave from the Arrows
Many Sahaba's got Martyrdom here.
A place of Islamic history.
The cave has been blocked by the Authority to avoid any mishaps as it is on steep inclined surface.
A bit difficult to locate, no easy access.
20 مايو 2023 11:35
Spiritual monument.
Situated in the north of Madinah in Saudi Arabia, Mount Uhud is a historic mountain with a height of 3533 ft. The mountain is popular for being the location of the second battle that took place between pagans and the Muslims. Today, tourists and pilgrims from around the world visit the mountain to experience the historical and spiritual value of the mountain
15 أبريل 2023 22:49
Must go for the ziyarat. Unfortunately they have closed the gar. U won’t get the privilege to pray dua there. I have been many times.
20 فبراير 2023 21:16
Few years ago one may enter into the cave however these days there is no access as it is fenced and the cave entrance is closed with concrete!
05 ديسمبر 2022 10:44
Prophet Muhammad p.b. Uh retreated to this cave during the Batlle of Uhud. He suffered some injuries and His blood was covered in the cave.

The cave smell very nice and to prevent people from doing the khurafat thingy, the government put on the concrete preventing entrance forever.
15 أغسطس 2022 18:10
شركة كشف تسربات المياه حل ارتفاع فاتورة المياه بتقارير معتمده لدي شركة المياه الوطنيه عزل اسطح مائي وحراري عزل خزانات المياه
24 مايو 2022 23:34
Blessed Mountain and surrounding areas where the Holy Prophet saw walked on. Untouched and still in its original form. Was an amazing experience to visit such places still so real and raw. You don’t get such a feeling and connection from a photo. I highly recommend people to read and learn about the events that took place leading up to the battle of Uhud and what happened during and after the battle. May Allah shower his countless blessing on the Holy Prophet saw and his spiritual progeny.
18 مارس 2022 15:31
Beautiful and quite area. The blessed Prophet retreated here from the plain of Uhud whilst injured. His blessed tooth was buried by the Cave but then taken to topkapi palace. Was good to follow his footsteps to both caves, ground floor Cave he rested his blessed head and the Cave wall became soft and a hollow is there, the Cave a little higher cracked open especially for the blessed prophet as he retreated up the mountain so the quraysh horsemen could not attack him. Unfortunately the caves have been cemented in a few years ago, but you can still stand near them. There are also runins of a mini mosque where the blessed prophet prayed.
22 ديسمبر 2021 18:15
جبل أحد من الجبال التاريخيه في المدينة المنورة وله مكانه عالية عند المسلمين، مسار الهايكنق فيه جميل جدًا لممارسة الرياضة، الطريق معد للمشاة والسيارات أيضًا لكن أشوف بعض المناطق فيه خطرة للسيارات، للأسف الموقع يفتقد لمصلى قريب ف أنصح بأن لا تكون الرياضة قريب من وقت الصلاة.
18 ديسمبر 2021 22:05
اسلام کا دوسرا معرکہ
جسے جنگ احد کہتے ہیں
یہاں پر ہوا تھا
صلی اللہ علی حبیبہ والہ وسلم
04 أغسطس 2021 18:44
Beautiful mountain we took our kids to show the place of battle n we could not actually go to the cave as the terrain was tough.but we good a 360 degree view of the mountain.our kids enjiyed it.one of the mountains of jannah

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